People of Rockdale, once again Eric Levett and his administration have proven their corruption knows no bounds. The wrong4Rockdale site was emailed some disturbing information after we exposed Eric Levett’s scam to funnel taxpayer dollars into his friend, Michael Myers’, pockets. In our last post “Eric Levett Squandered Over a Million Dollars of Taxpayers Money”, Eric Levett went before the Rockdale County Commissioners and asked for a contractor position (Michael Myers) to handle the Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office official social media account and other special projects. (Such as Eric Levett’s
personal re-election campaign Facebook page.) A quick review of Michael Meyers’ application file from 2016 shows that he should have been charged with Stolen Valor rather than being given a job.

Michael Meyers claimed that he attended Basic Infantry School in Ft. Benning, GA and was “Honor Graduated” in 1998, yet there are no records of any honors received
Meyers claimed to have served in the Army National Guard. When in fact, he never served on active duty and therefore never received a DD214.

Michael Meyers blatantly lied about his education. He claimed on his resume that he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Information Management from Western Governors University in 2015. When in fact, he was still attending school for his bachelor’s degree at the time of his application in 2016. (Which he admitted to on his county application.)
Michael Meyers showed that he was a liar before Eric Levett even hired him. Eric Levett hired this man in violation of Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office policies. Eric Levett and George Levett were even personal references for Michael Meyers. Eric Levett even lied to the public and hired Michael Meyers stating in 2014, “I will not tolerate cheating and have zero-tolerance for any level of untruthfulness”. This wasn’t the case when Eric Levett hired his friend. (See web link)
The document below is from the Rockdale County backround investigator's pre employement notes.

Several sources confirmed that they were targeted and forced to resign after blowing the whistle on Eric Levett’s unethical practices. Michael Meyers is just one of many employees who was hired by Eric Levett while policy dictated that they be denied employment. Many current employees are still working for the sheriff even though policy dictated that they should not be hired at all. These employees being hired have resulted in inmate deaths, deputies involved in criminal activity and multiple lawsuits waged against Rockdale County. (Which the taxpayers will ultimately foot the bill for.)

After seeing all this information, what is truly insulting is that Eric Levett has re-hired Michael Meyers and pulled the wool over the taxpayers and Board of Commissioner’s eyes by embedding Michael Meyers salary into the 2020 fiscal budget. Now the question that needs to be asked, is how much of taxpayer money is being spent to pay Eric Levett’s friend Michael Meyers to run a rudimentary Sheriff’s Office Facebook page and the sheriffs re-election Facebook page?
People of Rockdale, how much more do you need to see that Eric Levett’s incompetence and his corrupt practices of cronyism is costing real lives? It’s no secret there are now three deaths in the jail that are heavily contributed to unqualified people being placed in positions they should not have been hired for in the first place.( Stay tuned for future posts.) This is clear proof that Eric Levett is Wrong for Rockdale!
Document below is Michael Meyer's Rockdale County online application file and a Interview Document Eric Levett conducted with Michael Meyers.